Thursday, August 27, 2020

Death, be Not Proud free essay sample

John Donnes sonnet, Death, be Not Proud and Dylan Thomas Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night focus on the focal topic of death and how it is seen. They were written so as to mitigate fears of death. Initially, These creators utilize various subjects, to whom the speaker addresses, in their verse sabotaging the view of death as prevalent and terrifying. Furthermore, the creators use beautiful kinds which are oppositely contradicted to the customary idea of death, which is dismal and miserable. At long last, examinations are drawn among death and lesser substances, essentially debilitating the famous depiction of death as incomparable. The two journalists concur that passing is an unassuming stage in human life that ought not be dreaded, however arranged for. Donnes sonnet legitimately addresses passing as an individual as opposed to an element, as clear when he keeps in touch with Some have called [Death]/Mighty and awful, for thou craftsmanship not really, which has a casual tone that does not have the concession expected while tending to bosses. We will compose a custom article test on Demise, be Not Proud or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Thereafter, Donne says Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou execute me, by and by addressing passing as an equivalent rather than a prevalent, and taunting it. Thomas addresses the withering, rather than death; he says And you, my dad, there on the miserable tallness/Curse, favor me now with your savage tears, I supplicate. His tending to of the perishing legitimately rather than Donnes roundabout support passes on a need to keep moving and graveness, though Donnes verse appears to be humorous and cheerful. These speakers of these sonnets address various individuals so as to send the equivalent solid message, yet with various tones, that passing isn't meriting its impressive picture. Moreover, utilizing the piece and the villanelle, Donne and Thomas have figured out how to lower the subject of death in incongruity and bring up the issue of whether the picture of horribleness given to death is supported. Donne tends to death legitimately, composing Death, be not pleased, reproving it, as bosses do, and characterizing the level of influence among man and Death. The villanelle utilized by Thomson naturally throws a light, chipper tone on the sonnet, differentiating the customary idea of death. The first and third lines in a villanelle are to be rehashed all through the sonnet, as the lines Do not go delicate into that great night does, stressing the creators demand for quality. Fierceness, rage against the perishing of the light is likewise rehashed regularly, and assumes a comparable job, urging the peruser to stand up to. These two lines and their reiteration are significant in setting up the writers will to the peruser to battle demise, just as the graceful class. These classifications are utilized to cast an amusing, disparaging shadow on the idea of death and lessening it to a more fragile figure. At long last, both Donne and Thomas comprehend the utility of looking at two dissimilar to things. Donne makes light of the centrality of death by contrasting it with a delayed rest and a slave. He composes From rest and rest, which yet thy pictures be/Much delight, at that point from thee considerably more should stream, and makes the inference that passing is just rest, which everyone appreciates, and consequently, not something that humankind should fear. He supports this contention by composing Thourt slave to Fate, possibility, lords, and urgent men, which says that passing can be controlled by some coincidence and destiny, and individuals in force and distress, corrupting its position. Thomas approach varies somewhat; in his sonnet, he composes Wise men†¦ don't go delicate into that great night, use additionally utilizes the instances of good men, wild men, and grave men when he analyzes different men to humankind and its widespread reaction to death. This says it is in human instinct, paying little mind to attitude, to oppose demise. He asks the peruser to adjust and rail against this adversary. The two writers urge the peruser to receive their perspectives on death being weak through these representations. The two creators can't help contradicting the customary depiction of death as a dreadful power of nature. Donne contends for a picture of death as a mellow, humble figure; and Thomas considers it to be a challenger, against whom humankind can battle and win. These creators use allegories to contrast passing and lowlier substances. Lovely structures which debase that fearsome picture of death are additionally utilized. At last, various subjects are tended to, unmistakably passing on the creators musings on death. Through consoling and soothing sonnets like these, mankind figures out how to deal with the subject of death and ones own mortality.

Saturday, August 22, 2020


MEKANISME HEMOSTASIS Urutan mekanisme hemostasis dan koagulasi dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut: 1. Segera setelah pembuluh darah terpotong atau pecah, rangsangan dari pembuluh darah yang rusak itu menyebabkan dinding pembuluh berkontraksi sehingga dengan segera aliran darah dari pembuluh darah yang pecah akan berkurang (terjadi vasokontriksi). 2. Setelah itu, akan diikuti oleh adhesi trombosit, yaitu penempelan trombosit pada kolagen. ADP (adenosin difosfat) kemudian dilepaskan oleh trombosit kemudian ditambah dengan tromboksan A2 menyebabkan terjadinya agregasi (penempelan trombosit satu sama lain). Expositions aktivasi trombosit ini terus terjadi sampai terbentuk sumbat trombosit, disebut juga hemostasis preliminary. 3. Setelah itu dimulailah kaskade koagulasi (lihat gambar.1) yaitu hemostasis sekunder, diakhiri dengan pembentukan fibrin. Produksi fibrin dimulai dengan perubahan faktor X menjadi faktor Xa. Faktor X diaktifkan melalui dua jalur, yaitu jalur ekstrinsik dan jalur intrinsik. Jalur ekstrinsik dipicu oleh tissue factor/tromboplastin. Kompleks lipoprotein tromboplastin selanjutnya bergabung dengan faktor VII bersamaan dengan hadirnya particle kalsium yang nantinya akan mengaktifkan faktor X. Jalur intrinsik diawali oleh keluarnya plasma atau kolagen melalui pembuluh darah yang rusak dan mengenai kulit. Paparan kolagen yang rusak akan mengubah faktor XII menjadi faktor XII yang teraktivasi. Selanjutnya faktor XIIa akan bekerja secara enzimatik dan mengaktifkan faktor XI. Faktor XIa akan mengubah faktor IX menjadi faktor IXa. 4. faktor IXa akan bekerja sama dengan lipoprotein trombosit, faktor VIII, serta particle kalsium untuk mengaktifkan faktor X menjadi faktor Xa. 5. faktor Xa yang dihasilkan dua jalur berbeda itu akan memasuki jalur bersama. Faktor Xa akan berikatan dengan fosfolipid trombosit, particle kalsium, dan juga faktor V sehingga membentuk aktivator protrombin. 6. Selanjutnya senyawa itu akan mengubah protrombin menjadi trombin. Trombin selanjutnya akan mengubah fibrinogen menjadi fibrin (longgar), dan akhirnya dengan bantuan fakor VIIa dan particle kalsium, fibrin tersebut menjadi kuat. Fibrin inilah yang akan menjerat sumbat trombosit sehingga menjadi kuat. 7. Selanjutnya apabila sudah tidak dibutuhkan lagi, bekuan darah akan dilisiskan melalui expositions fibrinolitik. Expositions ini dimulai dengan adanya proaktivator plasminogen yang kemudian dikatalis menjadi aktivator plasminogen dengan adanya enzim streptokinase, kinase jaringan, serta faktor XIIa. Selanjutnya plasminogen akan diubah menjadi plasmin dengan bantuan enzim seperti urokinase. Plasmin inilah yang akan mendegradasi fibrinogen/fibrin menjadi fibrin debasement item [pic] Gangguan hemostasis (perdarahan irregular) dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa hal di bawah ini: 1. Kelainan vaskuler Kelainan vaskuler adalah sekelompok kelompok keadaan heterogen, yang ditandaiu oleh mudah memar dan perdarahan spontan dari poembuluh darah kecil. Kelainan yang mendasari terletak pada pembuluh darah itu sendiri atau dalam jaringan ikat perivaskular. Pada keadaan dseperti ini, uji penyaring standart part hasil typical. Masa perdarahan typical, uji hemostasis lain juga typical. Kelainan vaskular ini terdapat dua jenis yakni herediter yang berupa Telangiektasia hemoragik herediter, serta kelainan jaringan ikat. Jenis yang lain adalah Defek vaskular didapat . 2. Trombositopenia Trombositopenia didefinisikan sebagai jumlah trombosit kurang dari 100.000/mm3. Biasanya ditandai dengan purpura kulit spontan, perdarahan mukosa, dan perdarahan berkepanjangan setelah injury. Beberapa penyebab trombositopenia antara lain: (1)Kegagalan produksi trombosit .Ini merupakan penyebab tersering trombositopenia yang biasanya juga merupakan bagian dari kegagalan sumsum tulang generalisata Penekanan megakarisit selektif dapat disebabkan oleh toksisitas obat atau infeksi infection. (2)Peningkatan destruksi trombosit, Hal ini dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis yakni: a.Trombositopenia imun,termasuk di dalamnya ITP, karena infeksi, purpura pascatranfusi, Trombositopenia imun karena diinduksi obat, b.Purpura trombositopenia trombotik c.Koagulasi intravaskular diseminata, (3)Distribusi trombosit unusual, (4)Kehilangan akibat dilusi, yakni berupa transfuse masif darah simpan pada pasien dengan perdarahan. 3. Gangguan koagulasi Bisa karena herediter maupun didapat, yang umumnya menggangu faktor-faktor koagulasi. a.Herediter : hemofilia A dan hemofilia B b.Didapat : defisiensi nutrient K dan penyakit hati 4.Gangguan fungsi trombosit Dibagi menjadi dua jenis, yakni: a.Didapat 1) karena obat against trombosit seperti ibuprofen, 2).hiperglobulinemia, 3).kelainan mieloproliferatif dan mielodisplastik , serta 4)Uremia. b.Kelainan herediter 1) Trombastenia, 2)Sinsrom Bernard soulier, 3) Penyakit penyimpanan KELAINAN KOAGULASI . Hemofili A . Hemofili B . Kekurangan vit K (II,VII, IX, XI) Ganggan fungsi hati . DIC Adanya tissue factor (endotoxin, kerusakan jaringan dll) TF aktivasi koagulasi diikuti aktifasi fibrinolitik bergantian. Trombositopeni, APTT, PPT, TT memanjang, fibrinogen turun, FDP squestrasi PEMERIKSAAN LAB HEMOFILIA . Thickening time memanjang . APTT memanjang . Kadar Faktor VII menurun pada hemophilia A dan faktor IX menurun pada hemophilia B Analysis DARI HASIL LAB PADA HEMOFILIA . Thickening time memanjang, Bleeding time typical . APTT memanjang, PPT ordinary

Friday, August 21, 2020

Benjamin Franklin Essay Topics

Benjamin Franklin Essay TopicsFinding topics for your history essay can be easy when you begin looking through some of the historical writing available online. Although there are so many different topics to choose from, the key is in knowing what you want to write about.As far as topics go, one of the best is of course the Bible. You may be wondering why this should be a topic to consider, but the answer is because the Bible is such a large subject. Whether you are writing about the birth of Jesus or the story of Moses, you can find a multitude of related topics. Even if you write about Abraham, Moses, or other biblical figures, you can still find a great topic to write about.The interesting thing about this is that you don't even have to necessarily focus on the period in which these people lived. In fact, as a historian, you should be able to discover relevant information from other periods that will also lend itself to a good essay. For example, historical accounts from Roman time s may be a lot different than accounts from any other time in history.A great way to start writing about Ben Franklin is to write about his religious views and beliefs. He was also one of the most influential people in the country during his lifetime. Although you can find an abundance of information on the life of Benjamin Franklin, you should start by going over his life and his opinions on religion.As far as his religious views, Franklin felt that God wanted people to have virtue, and he supported the use of rewards and punishments in keeping with the laws of nature. He also felt that there was a struggle between good and evil, and when individuals tried to follow God's word, they would find it difficult in coming up against the devil's temptations.You can also find information on Franklin that focuses on his art, such as the Birds of America and the quote, 'Let us cultivate our Art, and make our domestic Arts the ornament of our life, and our tree the glory of our works.' You ca n also learn more about his writings on Masonry and the creation of the Constitution. His view of Masonry was different than that of the founding fathers, but nevertheless, his writings on Masonry are worth reading for their insightful views on Masonry.Many individuals choose to write about Franklin on his writing, for he is such a famous writer. While you should always include a positive outlook for your essay, it is important that you write about topics that are related to your background as a historian. If you want to include your history as a student, you can start your history essay topics on your years at school and how you had a chance to learn a lot while studying.As you can see, there are plenty of essay topics available for you to research. While you should always use your background knowledge, you should also keep in mind that you can write about topics that are related to your own experience, even if it was something that happened several decades ago. There are hundreds of topics to choose from and the best part is that many of them are completely free!