Thursday, August 27, 2020

Death, be Not Proud free essay sample

John Donnes sonnet, Death, be Not Proud and Dylan Thomas Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night focus on the focal topic of death and how it is seen. They were written so as to mitigate fears of death. Initially, These creators utilize various subjects, to whom the speaker addresses, in their verse sabotaging the view of death as prevalent and terrifying. Furthermore, the creators use beautiful kinds which are oppositely contradicted to the customary idea of death, which is dismal and miserable. At long last, examinations are drawn among death and lesser substances, essentially debilitating the famous depiction of death as incomparable. The two journalists concur that passing is an unassuming stage in human life that ought not be dreaded, however arranged for. Donnes sonnet legitimately addresses passing as an individual as opposed to an element, as clear when he keeps in touch with Some have called [Death]/Mighty and awful, for thou craftsmanship not really, which has a casual tone that does not have the concession expected while tending to bosses. We will compose a custom article test on Demise, be Not Proud or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Thereafter, Donne says Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou execute me, by and by addressing passing as an equivalent rather than a prevalent, and taunting it. Thomas addresses the withering, rather than death; he says And you, my dad, there on the miserable tallness/Curse, favor me now with your savage tears, I supplicate. His tending to of the perishing legitimately rather than Donnes roundabout support passes on a need to keep moving and graveness, though Donnes verse appears to be humorous and cheerful. These speakers of these sonnets address various individuals so as to send the equivalent solid message, yet with various tones, that passing isn't meriting its impressive picture. Moreover, utilizing the piece and the villanelle, Donne and Thomas have figured out how to lower the subject of death in incongruity and bring up the issue of whether the picture of horribleness given to death is supported. Donne tends to death legitimately, composing Death, be not pleased, reproving it, as bosses do, and characterizing the level of influence among man and Death. The villanelle utilized by Thomson naturally throws a light, chipper tone on the sonnet, differentiating the customary idea of death. The first and third lines in a villanelle are to be rehashed all through the sonnet, as the lines Do not go delicate into that great night does, stressing the creators demand for quality. Fierceness, rage against the perishing of the light is likewise rehashed regularly, and assumes a comparable job, urging the peruser to stand up to. These two lines and their reiteration are significant in setting up the writers will to the peruser to battle demise, just as the graceful class. These classifications are utilized to cast an amusing, disparaging shadow on the idea of death and lessening it to a more fragile figure. At long last, both Donne and Thomas comprehend the utility of looking at two dissimilar to things. Donne makes light of the centrality of death by contrasting it with a delayed rest and a slave. He composes From rest and rest, which yet thy pictures be/Much delight, at that point from thee considerably more should stream, and makes the inference that passing is just rest, which everyone appreciates, and consequently, not something that humankind should fear. He supports this contention by composing Thourt slave to Fate, possibility, lords, and urgent men, which says that passing can be controlled by some coincidence and destiny, and individuals in force and distress, corrupting its position. Thomas approach varies somewhat; in his sonnet, he composes Wise men†¦ don't go delicate into that great night, use additionally utilizes the instances of good men, wild men, and grave men when he analyzes different men to humankind and its widespread reaction to death. This says it is in human instinct, paying little mind to attitude, to oppose demise. He asks the peruser to adjust and rail against this adversary. The two writers urge the peruser to receive their perspectives on death being weak through these representations. The two creators can't help contradicting the customary depiction of death as a dreadful power of nature. Donne contends for a picture of death as a mellow, humble figure; and Thomas considers it to be a challenger, against whom humankind can battle and win. These creators use allegories to contrast passing and lowlier substances. Lovely structures which debase that fearsome picture of death are additionally utilized. At last, various subjects are tended to, unmistakably passing on the creators musings on death. Through consoling and soothing sonnets like these, mankind figures out how to deal with the subject of death and ones own mortality.

Saturday, August 22, 2020


MEKANISME HEMOSTASIS Urutan mekanisme hemostasis dan koagulasi dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut: 1. Segera setelah pembuluh darah terpotong atau pecah, rangsangan dari pembuluh darah yang rusak itu menyebabkan dinding pembuluh berkontraksi sehingga dengan segera aliran darah dari pembuluh darah yang pecah akan berkurang (terjadi vasokontriksi). 2. Setelah itu, akan diikuti oleh adhesi trombosit, yaitu penempelan trombosit pada kolagen. ADP (adenosin difosfat) kemudian dilepaskan oleh trombosit kemudian ditambah dengan tromboksan A2 menyebabkan terjadinya agregasi (penempelan trombosit satu sama lain). Expositions aktivasi trombosit ini terus terjadi sampai terbentuk sumbat trombosit, disebut juga hemostasis preliminary. 3. Setelah itu dimulailah kaskade koagulasi (lihat gambar.1) yaitu hemostasis sekunder, diakhiri dengan pembentukan fibrin. Produksi fibrin dimulai dengan perubahan faktor X menjadi faktor Xa. Faktor X diaktifkan melalui dua jalur, yaitu jalur ekstrinsik dan jalur intrinsik. Jalur ekstrinsik dipicu oleh tissue factor/tromboplastin. Kompleks lipoprotein tromboplastin selanjutnya bergabung dengan faktor VII bersamaan dengan hadirnya particle kalsium yang nantinya akan mengaktifkan faktor X. Jalur intrinsik diawali oleh keluarnya plasma atau kolagen melalui pembuluh darah yang rusak dan mengenai kulit. Paparan kolagen yang rusak akan mengubah faktor XII menjadi faktor XII yang teraktivasi. Selanjutnya faktor XIIa akan bekerja secara enzimatik dan mengaktifkan faktor XI. Faktor XIa akan mengubah faktor IX menjadi faktor IXa. 4. faktor IXa akan bekerja sama dengan lipoprotein trombosit, faktor VIII, serta particle kalsium untuk mengaktifkan faktor X menjadi faktor Xa. 5. faktor Xa yang dihasilkan dua jalur berbeda itu akan memasuki jalur bersama. Faktor Xa akan berikatan dengan fosfolipid trombosit, particle kalsium, dan juga faktor V sehingga membentuk aktivator protrombin. 6. Selanjutnya senyawa itu akan mengubah protrombin menjadi trombin. Trombin selanjutnya akan mengubah fibrinogen menjadi fibrin (longgar), dan akhirnya dengan bantuan fakor VIIa dan particle kalsium, fibrin tersebut menjadi kuat. Fibrin inilah yang akan menjerat sumbat trombosit sehingga menjadi kuat. 7. Selanjutnya apabila sudah tidak dibutuhkan lagi, bekuan darah akan dilisiskan melalui expositions fibrinolitik. Expositions ini dimulai dengan adanya proaktivator plasminogen yang kemudian dikatalis menjadi aktivator plasminogen dengan adanya enzim streptokinase, kinase jaringan, serta faktor XIIa. Selanjutnya plasminogen akan diubah menjadi plasmin dengan bantuan enzim seperti urokinase. Plasmin inilah yang akan mendegradasi fibrinogen/fibrin menjadi fibrin debasement item [pic] Gangguan hemostasis (perdarahan irregular) dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa hal di bawah ini: 1. Kelainan vaskuler Kelainan vaskuler adalah sekelompok kelompok keadaan heterogen, yang ditandaiu oleh mudah memar dan perdarahan spontan dari poembuluh darah kecil. Kelainan yang mendasari terletak pada pembuluh darah itu sendiri atau dalam jaringan ikat perivaskular. Pada keadaan dseperti ini, uji penyaring standart part hasil typical. Masa perdarahan typical, uji hemostasis lain juga typical. Kelainan vaskular ini terdapat dua jenis yakni herediter yang berupa Telangiektasia hemoragik herediter, serta kelainan jaringan ikat. Jenis yang lain adalah Defek vaskular didapat . 2. Trombositopenia Trombositopenia didefinisikan sebagai jumlah trombosit kurang dari 100.000/mm3. Biasanya ditandai dengan purpura kulit spontan, perdarahan mukosa, dan perdarahan berkepanjangan setelah injury. Beberapa penyebab trombositopenia antara lain: (1)Kegagalan produksi trombosit .Ini merupakan penyebab tersering trombositopenia yang biasanya juga merupakan bagian dari kegagalan sumsum tulang generalisata Penekanan megakarisit selektif dapat disebabkan oleh toksisitas obat atau infeksi infection. (2)Peningkatan destruksi trombosit, Hal ini dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis yakni: a.Trombositopenia imun,termasuk di dalamnya ITP, karena infeksi, purpura pascatranfusi, Trombositopenia imun karena diinduksi obat, b.Purpura trombositopenia trombotik c.Koagulasi intravaskular diseminata, (3)Distribusi trombosit unusual, (4)Kehilangan akibat dilusi, yakni berupa transfuse masif darah simpan pada pasien dengan perdarahan. 3. Gangguan koagulasi Bisa karena herediter maupun didapat, yang umumnya menggangu faktor-faktor koagulasi. a.Herediter : hemofilia A dan hemofilia B b.Didapat : defisiensi nutrient K dan penyakit hati 4.Gangguan fungsi trombosit Dibagi menjadi dua jenis, yakni: a.Didapat 1) karena obat against trombosit seperti ibuprofen, 2).hiperglobulinemia, 3).kelainan mieloproliferatif dan mielodisplastik , serta 4)Uremia. b.Kelainan herediter 1) Trombastenia, 2)Sinsrom Bernard soulier, 3) Penyakit penyimpanan KELAINAN KOAGULASI . Hemofili A . Hemofili B . Kekurangan vit K (II,VII, IX, XI) Ganggan fungsi hati . DIC Adanya tissue factor (endotoxin, kerusakan jaringan dll) TF aktivasi koagulasi diikuti aktifasi fibrinolitik bergantian. Trombositopeni, APTT, PPT, TT memanjang, fibrinogen turun, FDP squestrasi PEMERIKSAAN LAB HEMOFILIA . Thickening time memanjang . APTT memanjang . Kadar Faktor VII menurun pada hemophilia A dan faktor IX menurun pada hemophilia B Analysis DARI HASIL LAB PADA HEMOFILIA . Thickening time memanjang, Bleeding time typical . APTT memanjang, PPT ordinary

Friday, August 21, 2020

Benjamin Franklin Essay Topics

Benjamin Franklin Essay TopicsFinding topics for your history essay can be easy when you begin looking through some of the historical writing available online. Although there are so many different topics to choose from, the key is in knowing what you want to write about.As far as topics go, one of the best is of course the Bible. You may be wondering why this should be a topic to consider, but the answer is because the Bible is such a large subject. Whether you are writing about the birth of Jesus or the story of Moses, you can find a multitude of related topics. Even if you write about Abraham, Moses, or other biblical figures, you can still find a great topic to write about.The interesting thing about this is that you don't even have to necessarily focus on the period in which these people lived. In fact, as a historian, you should be able to discover relevant information from other periods that will also lend itself to a good essay. For example, historical accounts from Roman time s may be a lot different than accounts from any other time in history.A great way to start writing about Ben Franklin is to write about his religious views and beliefs. He was also one of the most influential people in the country during his lifetime. Although you can find an abundance of information on the life of Benjamin Franklin, you should start by going over his life and his opinions on religion.As far as his religious views, Franklin felt that God wanted people to have virtue, and he supported the use of rewards and punishments in keeping with the laws of nature. He also felt that there was a struggle between good and evil, and when individuals tried to follow God's word, they would find it difficult in coming up against the devil's temptations.You can also find information on Franklin that focuses on his art, such as the Birds of America and the quote, 'Let us cultivate our Art, and make our domestic Arts the ornament of our life, and our tree the glory of our works.' You ca n also learn more about his writings on Masonry and the creation of the Constitution. His view of Masonry was different than that of the founding fathers, but nevertheless, his writings on Masonry are worth reading for their insightful views on Masonry.Many individuals choose to write about Franklin on his writing, for he is such a famous writer. While you should always include a positive outlook for your essay, it is important that you write about topics that are related to your background as a historian. If you want to include your history as a student, you can start your history essay topics on your years at school and how you had a chance to learn a lot while studying.As you can see, there are plenty of essay topics available for you to research. While you should always use your background knowledge, you should also keep in mind that you can write about topics that are related to your own experience, even if it was something that happened several decades ago. There are hundreds of topics to choose from and the best part is that many of them are completely free!

Monday, May 25, 2020

What Is a Political Extremist

A political extremist is someone whose beliefs fall outside mainstream societal values and  on the fringes of the ideological spectrum. In the U.S., the typical political extremist is motivated by anger, fear, and hatred — most commonly toward the government and people of different races, ethnicities, and nationalities. Some are motivated by specific issues such as abortion, animal rights, and environmental protection. What Political Extremists Believe Political extremists oppose the core principles of democracy and human rights. Extremists come in many flavors  on both sides of the ideological spectrum. There are right-wing extremists and left-wing extremists. There are Islamic extremists and anti-abortion extremists. Some political extremists are known to engage in ideologically driven criminal activity, including violence.   Political extremists often show disdain for the rights and liberties of others but resent the limitations of their own activities.  Extremists often exhibit ironic qualities;  they favor censorship of their enemies but use intimidation and manipulation to spread their own assertions and claims, for example. Some claim God is on their side of an issue and they often use religion as an excuse for acts of violence. Political Extremists and Violence A 2017 Congressional Research Service report, authored by organized crime and terrorism expert Jerome P. Bjelopera, linked domestic terrorism to political extremism and warned of a growing threat in the U.S.: The emphasis of counterterrorism policy in the United States since Al Qaeda’s attacks of September 11, 2001, has been on jihadist terrorism. However, in the last decade, domestic terrorists — people who commit crimes within the homeland and draw inspiration from U.S.-based extremist ideologies and movements — have killed American citizens and damaged property across the country. A 1999 Federal Bureau of Investigation report stated: â€Å"During the past 30 years, the vast majority — but not all — of the deadly terrorist attacks occurring in the United States have been perpetrated by domestic extremists.† There are at least six types of political extremists operating in the U.S., according to government experts.   Sovereign Citizens There are several hundred thousand Americans who claim they are exempt or â€Å"sovereign† from the U.S. and its laws. Their hard-line anti-government and anti-tax beliefs place them at odds with elected officials, judges, and police officers, and some confrontations have turned violent and even deadly. In 2010, self-proclaimed sovereign citizen Joe Kane fatally shot two police officers in Arkansas during a routine traffic stop. Sovereign citizens often refer to themselves as â€Å"constitutionalists† or â€Å"freemen.† They may also form loose-knit groups with names such as Moorish Nation, The Aware Group, and Republic of United States of America. Their core belief is that the reach of local, federal, and state governments is excessive and un-American.   According to the University of North Caroline School of Government:   Sovereign citizens may issue their own driver’s licenses and vehicle tags, create and file their own liens against government officials who cross them, question judges about the validity of their oaths, challenge the applicability of traffic laws to them and, in extreme cases, resort to violence to protect their imagined rights. They speak an odd quasi-legal language and believe that by not capitalizing names and by writing in red and using certain catch phrases they can avoid any liability in our judicial system. They even think they can lay claim to vast sums of money held by the United States Treasury, based on the premise that the government has secretly pledged them as security for the country’s debts. Based on these beliefs, and a twisted understanding of the Uniform Commercial Code, they try various schemes that they think discharge them from responsibility for their debts. Animal Rights and Environmental Extremists These two types of political extremist are often mentioned together because their mode of operation and leaderless structure is similar  Ã¢â‚¬â€ the commission of crimes such as theft and destruction of property by individuals or small, loosely affiliated groups operating on behalf of a larger mission. Animal-rights extremists believe animals cannot be owned because they are entitled to the same basic rights humans are afforded. They propose a constitutional amendment creating an animal bill of rights that bans exploitation of animals and discrimination based on species, recognizes animals as persons in a substantive sense and grants them the rights relevant and necessary to their existence  Ã¢â‚¬â€ the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.   In 2006, an animal-rights extremist named  Donald Currie was convicted for orchestrating a bombing campaign against animal researchers, their families, and their homes. Said one investigator: The offenses were of a very serious nature and demonstrate the lengths a minority of animal-rights activists are prepared to go to for their cause. Similarly, environmental extremists have targeted logging, mining and construction firms — for-profit corporate interests they believe are destroying the Earth. One prominent environmental extremist group has described its mission as using â€Å"economic sabotage and guerrilla warfare to stop the exploitation and destruction of the environment.† Its members have used techniques such as tree spiking  Ã¢â‚¬â€ the insertion of metal spikes in trees to damage logging saws — and  monkeywrenching  Ã¢â‚¬â€ sabotaging logging and construction equipment. The most violent environmental extremists employ arson and firebombing.   Testifying before a congressional subcommittee in 2002, the FBIs domestic terrorism chief, James F. Jarboe, said: Special interest extremists continue to conduct acts of politically motivated violence to force segments of society, including the general public, to change attitudes about issues considered important to their causes. These groups occupy the extreme fringes of animal rights, pro-life, environmental, anti-nuclear, and other movements. Some special interest extremists — most notably within the animal rights and environmental movements — have turned increasingly toward vandalism and terrorist activity in attempts to further their causes. Anarchists This particular group of political extremist embraces a society in which all individuals can do whatever they choose, except interfere with the ability of other individuals to do what they choose, according to a definition in The Anarchist Library.   Anarchists do not suppose that all people are altruistic, or wise, or good, or identical, or perfectible, or any romantic nonsense of that kind. They believe that a society without coercive institutions is feasible, within the repertoire of natural, imperfect, human behavior. Anarchists represent left-wing political extremism and have employed violence and force in attempting to create such a society. Theyve vandalized property, set fires and detonated bombs targeting financial corporations, government entities, and police officers. One of the largest anarchist protests in modern history took place during the World Trade Organizations 1999 meetings in Seattle, Washington. A group that helped carry out the protests stated its goals this way: A storefront window becomes a vent to let some fresh air into the oppressive atmosphere of a retail outlet. A dumpster becomes an obstruction to a phalanx of rioting cops and a source of heat and light. A building facade becomes a message board to record brainstorm ideas for a better world. New groups have risen amid the rise of the alt-right and white nationalism in the U.S. to combat white supremacy. These groups reject the involvement of government police forces in tracking neo-Nazis and white supremacists.   Anti-Abortion Extremists These right-wing political extremists have used firebombings, shootings, and vandalism against abortion providers and the  doctors, nurses and other staff who  work for them. Many believe they are acting on behalf of Christianity. One group, the Army of God, maintained a manual that stated the need for violence against abortion providers. Beginning officially with the passage of the Freedom of Choice Act – we, the remnant of God-fearing men and women of the United States of Amerika (sic), do officially declare war on the entire child killing industry. After praying, fasting, and making continual supplication to God for your pagan, heathen, infidel souls, we then peacefully, passively presented our bodies in front of your death camps, begging you to stop the mass murdering of infants. Yet you hardened your already blackened, jaded hearts. We quietly accepted the resulting imprisonment and suffering of our passive resistance. Yet you mocked God and continued the Holocaust. No longer! All of the options have expired. Our Most Dread Sovereign Lord God requires that whosoever sheds man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed. Anti-abortion violence spiked in the mid-1990s, declined and then spiked again in 2015 and 2016, according to research conducted by the  Feminist Majority Foundation. Surveys conducted by the group found that more than a third of abortion providers in the U.S. had experienced  severe violence or threats of violence in the first half of 2016. Anti-abortion extremists are responsible for at least 11 homicides, dozens of bombings, and nearly 200 arsons since the late 1970s, according to the National Abortion Federation. Among the most recent acts of violence carried out by anti-abortion political extremists was the 2015 slaying of three people at a Planned Parenthood in Colorado by a self-proclaimed warrior for the babies, Robert Dear. Militias Militias are another form of anti-government, right-wing political extremist, much like sovereign citizens. Militias are heavily armed groups of people who are motivated to overthrow the U.S. government, which they believe has trampled their constitutional rights, particularly when it comes to the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms. These political extremists â€Å"tend to stockpile illegal weapons and ammunition, trying illegally to get their hands on fully automatic firearms or attempting to convert weapons to fully automatic. They also try to buy or manufacture improvised explosive devices, according to an FBI report on militia extremism. Militia groups grew out of the 1993 standoff between the government and the  Branch Davidians, led by  David Koresh, near Waco, Texas. The government believed the  Davidians were stockpiling firearms. According to the  Anti-Defamation League,  a civil-rights watchdog group: Their extreme anti-government ideology, along with their elaborate conspiracy theories and fascination with weaponry and paramilitary organization, lead many members of militia groups to act out in ways that justify the concerns expressed about them by public officials, law enforcement and the general public. ...  The combination of anger at the government, fear of gun confiscation and susceptibility to elaborate conspiracy theories is what formed the core of the militia movements ideology. White Supremacists Neo-Nazis, racist skinheads, the Ku Klux Klan, and the alt-right are among the most well known political extremist groups, but they are far from the only ones that seek racial and ethnic purity in the U.S. White supremacist political extremists were responsible for  49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016, more than any other domestic extremist movement, according to the federal government. White supremacists act on behalf of the 14 Words mantra:  Ã¢â‚¬Å"We must secure the existence of our race and a future for white children.† The violence carried out by white extremists is well documented across the decades, from Klan lynchings to the 2015 slaying of nine black worshipers at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, at the hands of a 21-year-old man who wanted to start a race war because, he said, negroes have lower IQs, lower impulse control, and higher testosterone levels in general. These three things alone are a recipe for violent behavior. There are more than 100 groups operating in the U.S. that espouse views such as these, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups. They include the  alt-right, Ku Klux Klan, racist skinheads, and white nationalists.   Further Reading Bjelopera, Jerome P.  Domestic Terrorism: An Overview.  Congressional Research Service. August 21, 2017. Accessed February 2018.French, David.  On Extremism, Left and White. National Review. May 30, 2017. Accessed February 2017.Kaste, Martin and Siegler, Kirk.  Is Left-Wing Violence Rising? National Public Radio. June 16, 2017. Accessed February 2017.Bartels, Larry.  The Rise of Presidential Extremists. The New York Times. Sept. 12, 2016. Accessed February, 2018.Southern Poverty Law Center. The Year in Hate: Trump buoyed white supremacists in 2017, sparking backlash among black nationalist groups.  Feb. 21, 2018. Accessed Feb. 24 and Feb. 25, 2018.Anti-Defamation League.  Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2016. Accessed February 2018.University of North Carolina School of Government. A Quick Guide to Sovereign Citizens. November 2013. Accessed February 2018.  Federal Bureau of Investigation. What Are Known Violent Extremist Groups? Accessed February 2018.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Famous Chinese Horse Painting - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 461 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/09/14 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? In the 1940’s while playing in a hidden cave in Lascaux, France, many children found a remarkable painting on the wall. After telling about their findings, researches and explorers visited the cave and it was then they saw the â€Å"Chinese Horse†. The art got its name because it resembled the ceramic horses of the Han Dynasty in China. Although the reasoning for the painting is unknown, they research has shown that several paintings in this era included plants and animals. It was not the only painting of a horse found on a cave wall. However, it is thought that the artist wanted to protect his work and for it to survive, that is why he or she chose a place far into the cave. Most of the painting was applied directly to the wall by a flickering fire light and paint containing Earth elements and animal fat. Other parts of the painting were blown through reeds causing a special affect. It was placed on a sandstone wall. Most cave walls were not smooth; they had a lot of rough textures and cracks. The painting itself consisted of warm earth like, fall colors. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Famous Chinese Horse Painting" essay for you Create order These colors included: browns, tans, reds, greens. The horse in the painting has a large sagging stomach. Researches believe the horse was meant to look pregnant. The head of the horse was very small. Personally, I think the head was small and the stomach was so large because the artist wanted to emphasis the unborn colt in the mother. He or she was not worried so much about the adult horse but more the child. Maybe, like many mothers and females who want to be mothers think, the artist was hoping for a child. I know when I was pregnant I would see small children and infants and think about the child inside of me. So, maybe the artist was kind of doing the same thing. Maybe the artist was a female who wanted a child. Also, there are red arrow-like paintings around the horse. Researchers think they could be plants or arrows. I think the look like wheat. I believe the horse is running in a field as if it is free. It reminds me of our history when the Indians roamed free and malls and grocery stores did not exist. The artist may be trying to express this feeling. The artist used earth tone colors to resemble warmth and closure. It could also represent freedom. The horse could be pregnant and roaming in a field awaiting her new colt. Works Cited â€Å"PAINTING ON A ROCK- A 20,000 YEAR OLD LEGACY†. Echoes In Time. 2007. Web. 7 September 2010. â€Å"Chinese Horse Prehistoric Pictograph from Lascaux Caves†. E-Museum Store. Web. 7 September 2010. Schneider-Adams, Laurie. A HISTORY OF WESTERN ART. McGraw Hill: 2004, Revised 4th Edition.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Treaty Of Versailles During World War II Essay

After years of extreme devastation and gruesome bloodshed, World War I concluded on November 11th, 1918 as the Allied Powers claimed victory and the Axis Powers accepted defeat. In order to promote peace, finalize the outcome and prevent another large scale war, the victorious Allied Powers created a treaty, the Treaty of Versailles. Under the terms and conditions of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany and its allies were harshly sanctioned. Germany, viewed by the Allied Powers as the primary inciter of World War I, received the worst repercussions and was forced to single-handedly bear the financial burden of paying for the entire war. Leaving Germany, an already depleted country, accountable for all war reparations sent them into deep depression and great desperation. Ultimately, Germany’s deplorable state led the nation to turn to the infamous radical leader, Adolf Hitler, who provoked World War II. Terrifyingly identical to World War I, World War II was a total war between the superpowers of the world, the Allies and the Axis Powers. The horrific destruction and carnage that swept over Europe cost tens of millions of people their lives. The United States’ involvement in World War II began after December 7th, 1941 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and killed thousands of American soldiers and sailors. As Germany had placed their hopes in Adolf Hitler who promised a better future, the United States placed their democratic and pluralistic ideals into the war effort to save theShow MoreRelatedWar I And World War II919 Words   |  4 Pageshistorians debate rather World War I and World War II were two different parts to the same war or if they are separate and distinct wars. Even though World War I and World War II were very different wars, and there were many years in between the two, the outcomes of World War I caused for World War II to happen because of unresolved issues . World War II is a continuation of World War I. World War I lasted four years and was the first total war in history. Before World War I Europe was doing wellRead MoreThe Treaty of Versailles1684 Words   |  7 PagesInvestigation The Treaty of Versailles was created to bring peace between nations after WWI. This investigation will answer the following question: To what extent did the Treaty of Versailles bring peace? In this investigation, the extent of the Versailles Treaty’s success will be evaluated by examining the period of its development, 1918, to the rise of Hitler, 1933. Several sources were used in this investigation including a number of books that look at the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and the reactionsRead MoreWorld War I And The Treaty Of Versailles1604 Words   |  7 Pageswondered why World War II happened despite World War I being the war to end all wars? World War I lasted four years and was very gruesome. Much of the Western Front was destroyed and about 10 million people died. Germany ended the war by ceasing fire and making an armistice on November 11, 1918. The Allied Power had successfully defeated the Central Powers and America had accomplished their goal to end the war . After the surrender from Germany, the Allied Power met up to make a treaty with GermanyRead MoreThe Treaty Of Versailles Ended World War I1708 Words   |  7 Pages The Second World War took approximately 50,000,000 to 60,000,000 lives (â€Å"World War II†). But this total does not include the millions not accounted for, many of them infants. The war had many causes, but the vast fault lay on a piece of writing from twenty years before the war even started. The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I but instigated the events that led up to World War II. Because the treaty of Versailles was so harsh on Germany, the effects of those terms allowed the Nazi partyRead MoreThe Declaration Of The Treaty Of Versailles1133 Words   |  5 Pages World War II ended in 1945, but it affected so many people that it is taught in schools; the thought of having another World War is terrifying. Imagine having the world thrown into that much chaos, causing so much destruction again. To avoid another World War people need to learn what caused them. The whole purpose of the Treaty of Versailles was to promote peace and stop the wars, but in the end all it did was create another World War. Many predicted the result of the weak treaty, butRead MorePutzier 1. Tessa Putzier. Ms. Jeanne Bitz . Language Arts.1293 Words   |  6 PagesOf World War Two On June, 28 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed. This treaty coupled with other factors, such as the Nazis rise to power in Germany, Europe’s policy of appeasement, and Germany’s invasion of Poland would lead to - and be direct causes of - World War II. In fact, when French military commander Marshal Foch heard of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, her observed with extreme accuracy - â€Å"This is not Peace. It is an Armistice for 20 years.† (Churchill, 7) World War I officiallyRead MoreThe Causes Of World War II1134 Words   |  5 PagesThe Causes of World War II: The seeds of world war II lies in the instability created by world war I. particularly the instability in Germany in the economic and political conditions due to the harshness of the Versailles treaty and as a result the rise of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party The effects of the treaty of Versailles: The treaty of Versailles harshness was one of the main causes for the outbreak of World War II. It began in 1919 when Lloyd George of England, Orlando of Italy, ClemenceauRead MoreThe Reasons For The Outbreak Of The Second World War1444 Words   |  6 PagesThe reasons for The Outbreak of The Second World War World War II lasted from 1939-1945, but there were a number of circumstances leading up to the beginning of World War II. It involved the majority of the nations in the world in which they formed two military alliances. Those alliances were the allies and axis. In a state of total war, World War II was the most deadly war in history. This war was caused there was a violation of the Treaty of Versailles from WWI. Then, there was the expansion ofRead MoreCauses And Consequences Of World War II908 Words   |  4 PagesOf all the wars that the world has seen happen, none have been more catastrophic than the terrible world war II. But what were the causes of this war? There were many causes to World War II, although there were four true causes: anger over the Versailles Treaty, Fascism and its increase in the European countries, and the nitrous goals of Adolf Hitler combined with the isolationism of America and Britain from war. With all of these main causes combined together, the will create the most devastatingRead MoreEssay on The Causes of World War II1106 Words   |  5 PagesFrom the Treaty of Versailles, to the rise of Hitler, and the failure of the League of Nations, there were many causes that lead up to World War II. World War I left Germany with many shortfalls, thus leaving them in the hands of the Treaty of Versailles. Rather unfair of a Treaty, this left Germany once again looking for another way out. A country resented by many had no other choice but to feel optimistic toward Adolph Hitlers empty promises†¦ making it substantially simple for him to gain power

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Vignette free essay sample

Vignette 1. 1 Global Integration in Action Summary Vignette 1. 1 is information regarding the career development at IBM. The vignette looks at the connection between career development, retention, and work flows. The vignette points out that work will flow to the places that it is best performed. This is very true as a customer is going to seek out the vendor that best meets it needs and level of quality expected. IBM is examining what would draw the best employees so that they may produce the best work output. Questions 1. How do the three laws of global integration apply to career development? The first law of global integration is the law of economics. This law pertains to the supply and demand of the workforce. This would be integrating with career development by dictating how much work is being brought into the company. If demand is low, but supply is high then a company is going to have to make changes which may involve some negative paths for career development. We will write a custom essay sample on Vignette or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The second law is the law of expertise. This law basically pertains to making sure that each employee is correctly placed within the workforce at that their skills are being utilized to their highest potential. The third law is the law of openness. This law is the search for the candidate that not only fits with the company’s values, but that has the knowledge and skills to fit the position for which they are applying. 2. How attractive is the new career development model for the new millennium generation of knowledge workers? IBM has done a great job in understanding the new millennium generation and what they are seeking for career development. They have utilized six parts to build their program. Those six parts include: personalized learning, pervasive mentoring, expertise management, career tracks, my development, and blue pages. The personalized learning is great as many new millennium generations like the changes of both formal and informal learning environments. The blue pages is definitely geared directly at new millennium generations utilize the access of online networking. Conclusion In conclusion it is very important for IBM to focus on the new generation of workers and what will draw them into the workforce and how will they attract these sought after workers. It is very important for IBM to continue career development as part of their core management’s systems. By continuing to give employees access to learning, a marketplace for job bidding within IBM, and to help their employees

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Artical Summary on Critical Thinking

Artical Summary on Critical Thinking PAGE 1 Article Summary PAGE PAGE 1 Article SummaryArticle Summary on Critical ThinkingSarah Julie HarrisUniversity Of PhoenixMGT 350Carolyn DrahosNovember 5, 2003Article Summary on Critical ThinkingKeys to critical ThinkingMaking the right decision over senior executive appointment can be very difficult. Leadership skills and critical decision making ability are arguably the two core competencies which distinguish the truly successful business leaders. Some may state that this potent nexus of innate attributes, one of which is intellectual and the other emotional have always been present in the make up of great business leaders. Managers or business leaders who continue to learn and accept change in external/internal elements has the ability to increase business performance. The achieving results come from the internal drive and less from a commitment. The future leaders create a culture of empowerment. Most business managers see critical decision making skills as essential to a com pany's success.Rethink Mental IllnessExcept in times of stress, personal problem, mental illness business leaders should beware while assessing issues (Helliwell, 2000, text).Rick Helliwell's argument was "making the right recruitment decision over a critical senior executive appointment can be very difficult" (para .1). Wrong decision can result in loss in business sales or no values in company culture. The author made assumption the successful business leaders are notice by possessing quality leadership skills with critical decision making ability. The high connection of natural abilities associates with intellectual and emotional are personalities in successful business leaders relates to the logic. The author has a perception that in today's business requires talented, leaders who continue to learn with motivation for quality performances. Based on emotion, Rick Helliwell (2000) said, "Achieving results comes from the executive internal drive" (para. 6) or personal motivation. H e also used exceptions or fallacy that...

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Physiotherapy Students Experience Working With Mental Health Disorders Nursing Essay Essay Example

Physiotherapy Students Experience Working With Mental Health Disorders Nursing Essay Essay Example Physiotherapy Students Experience Working With Mental Health Disorders Nursing Essay Essay Physiotherapy Students Experience Working With Mental Health Disorders Nursing Essay Essay A focal point group based probe to research the experiences of Coventry University 3rd twelvemonth physical therapy pupil s working with patients with a Mental Health Disorder after 30 hebdomads clinical arrangement. Introduction Good Mental Health ( MH ) is defined as a individual s ability to carry through a figure of cardinal maps and activities, such as the ability to larn, experience, express and pull off a broad scope of positive and negative emotions, signifier and keep good relationships with others and header with alteration and uncertainness, ( Mental Health Foundation ) . Hence, it implies that if a individual can non execute these cardinal cognitive maps they are said to hold a mental unwellness or a mental wellness upset ( MHD ) . However, you could reason that if this is the definition for holding a mental unwellness or a MHD, so on some yearss could nt everybody be defined as non holding good mental wellness? And to a certain extent this is true, about everyone experiences psychiatric symptoms at some point in their lives, runing from the comparatively minor, such as a short period of choler, anxiousness or depression during times of emphasis, to the badly disabling and painful ( Hicks 2005 ) . A individual enduring from a mental unwellness frequently has a combination of symptoms such as unnatural ideas and bodily esthesiss, normally called cognitive and bodily symptoms ( Physiotherapy in Mental wellness 1995 ) . One in six British grownups will hold a MHD at some point in their lives ( National Statistics 2009 ) , and about 450 million people worldwide have a MH job ( World Health Organization 2009 ) , bespeaking that mental and neurological upsets are common and there is a high figure of people with mental wellness jobs within society. Many of us perceive mental wellness to be a batch less common than what the statistics suggest, as mental wellness is frequently non talked about and is seen as a tabu topic. It has been found that there is a stigma attached to people with MHD s where they are frequently seen as unsafe and violent although the world is, that more offense is caused by people who do non hold a MHD, over 95 % of violent offense in Britain is committed by people who are non mentally ill ( Sayce 2000 ) . This stigma has been thought to hold been created through a bad portraiture of people with MHD s within the media and deficiency of instruction on MH, which has lead to MH bein g ill understood and a feeling of uncertainness and apprehensiveness environing MH. LINK STIGMA TO STUDENTS WORKING WITH PATIENTS WITH A MHD. This stigma may be present amongst wellness attention professionals, so hence this survey was undertaken to detect the experiences and perceptual experiences of pupils within the physical therapy profession on mental wellness patients. The purpose of the survey was to look at pupils who had no or small cognition of mental wellness and minimum contact with persons with a mental wellness upset before their 30 hebdomads clinical arrangement. The survey aimed to derive a greater penetration into what the experiences the pupils had with mental wellness patients whilst on clinical arrangement and whether those experiences influenced their initial beliefs. Research Question The PICOT method was applied to assist construction and inform the research inquiry, What are the experiences of 3rd twelvemonth physical therapy pupils at Coventry University working with patients with a MHD after 30 hebdomads clinical arrangement? , ( appendix 1 ) . The purposes of this survey were to happen out what the experiences of Coventry University 3rd twelvemonth physical therapy pupils had whilst working with MH patients during there 30 hebdomads clinical arrangement ; how did those experiences influence their ideas about patients with a MHD and did those experiences change any old beliefs held about patients with a mental wellness job? Literature reappraisal There is limited literature based on pupil physical therapist s experiences and perceptual experiences of MH, hence a wide in-depth hunt was conducted across the AMED, CINHAL, Cochrane and MEDLINE databases sing the nature of this proposal ( appendix 2 ) . HOW DO THESE PIECES OF RESEARCH RELATE TO MY RESEARCH? APPLY CRITIQUE FROM EBP TO EACH ARTICLE. Altindag et Al ( 2006 ) conducted a survey to analyze whether an antistigma plan which consists of instruction, contact and sing a movie that depicts an single with schizophrenic disorder, can alter attitudes towards people with schizophrenic disorder. The survey group consisted of 25 first twelvemonth medical pupils who had no anterior instruction on mental wellness and psychopathology. They received a 2 hr talk on the causes of stigma associated with schizophrenic disorder, common myths about schizophrenic disorder and the relationship between schizophrenic disorder and force and aggression. They were besides introduced to a immature individual with schizophrenic disorder who shared his experiences of the unwellness, intervention and stigma. Last, the pupils watched a movie titled A Beautiful Mind which depicts a mathematical mastermind enduring from schizophrenic disorder. The survey besides had a control group incorporating 35 participants. Both the control and intercession grou p contained topics with similar background and instruction. They used a questionnaire to rate attitudes before and after the plan and found that attitudes changed favorably after the one twenty-four hours antistigma plan. This suggests that the plan can be used on wellness attention professionals. Brief plans are appealing because they may impact stigmatizing attitudes with small attempt and may be accessible to far more people. The one month follow up showed that the effects of the antistigma plan are likely to decrease with clip which may be due to interaction with society. Therefore antistogma plans should be carried out in schools on a regular basis. The restrictions of this survey are the sample size holding a little intercession and control group limits the ability to generalise the consequences to the general population. The intercession group contained disparate elements and is hard to cognize which 1s are the active ingredients. Mino et Al ( 2001 ) looked at a new one hr educational plan used to alter attitudes towards MHD. It was conducted on 95 first twelvemonth medical pupils and so eight old ages subsequently a control group was carried out on 94 pupils. The survey found that attitudes changed favorably because of the one hr plan. Pinar ( 2006 ) aimed to find the attitudes of medical pupils towards mentally handicapped people and to understand the impact of schooling on attitude difference by measuring 2nd and 6th twelvemonth medical pupils. The 230 participants in the 2nd twelvemonth pupils had no old cognition of MH or psychopathology ; nevertheless the 222 participants in the 6th twelvemonth had interaction with the mentally handicapped and worked on a psychopathology displacement. The sample was made up of 452 pupils from 3 public schools, where attitudes were assessed on a likert graduated table. The restrictions of this survey are that theoretical talks environing MH were non compulsory, hence some of the pupils would hold received information of MH and others would nt, hence may impacting their attitudes. Another restriction is that the same sets of participants were non used in the 2nd and 6th twelvemonth so therefore you can non mensurate whether their existent attitudes changed through instruction. Significance to research The chief significance of this research is to place experiences which physiotherapy pupils had with patients with a MHD whilst on arrangement, and discover whether these experiences changed any initial positions held by the pupils on MH. The impact of these findings will bespeak to pupils within the wellness attention scene, the importance of experience on developing their ideas and beliefs held on MH. Physical therapy pupils are the following coevals of qualified physical therapists and will come across MHD throughout their pattern, so hence demand to be unfastened minded and challenge damaging positions. If their positions are negative so this will hold an impact on their behavior and may impact the quality of attention that they provide to their patient with a MHD. Methodology Research Design This survey is explorative, so hence will be researching an thought where there is limited theory environing it and the information collected will be qualitative. The strengths of a qualitative research method are that it provides rich, elaborate description and allows the participant to react in their ain words. It besides allows the research worker to examine and promote participants to dig farther into their experiences. The disadvantages of qualitative research are that it takes a long clip to transport out and the sample size can be little so therefore you can reason that you can non hold transferability. Study Population The survey population consisted of one male and 5 female, 3rd twelvemonth physical therapy pupils at Coventry University. This is representative of the male to female ratio on physical therapy classs, which although varies greatly from twelvemonth to twelvemonth and across the state, it can be every bit high as 80 per centum female ( The Independent News 2009 ) . A purposive sampling technique was used to garner the participants, so that the focal point group contained a set of homogeneous persons, harmonizing to the undertaking ends and the research worker s intent ( Sim and Wright 2000 ) . The method known as sweet sand verbena sampling was used as the participants needed for this focal point group were hard to place, so hence the research worker contacted persons which matched the inclusion standards and so asked them to urge farther possible participants that fit the inclusion standards and could take portion in the focal point group. These topics were so contacted via electroni c mail ; this non-direct attack ensured no force per unit area was applied to participants ( Bruseberg and McDonagh 2003:29-30 ) . Six participants were recruited for this focal point group ; this is an effectual figure as it is non so little that it would put a load on each participant to transport the conversation, nevertheless, non excessively large as to supply less chance for each participant to state everything they would wish to state about the subject ( Morgan 1998 ) . Inclusion Standards Participants must be physiotherapy pupils who had no or small cognition of mental wellness and minimum contact with persons with a mental wellness upset before their 15 hebdomads clinical arrangement, Participants must hold had contact on their clinical arrangements with patients with a MHD i.e. Depression, dementedness, chronic weariness, schizophrenic disorder, anxiousness, or an eating upset, Participants must talk English fluently, Participants must non object to being audio-taped. Exclusion Standards Not a physical therapy pupil, No contact with MHD s whilst on arrangement, The participant objects to being audio taped, The participant can non talk English. Method of informations aggregation A one-off focal point group was used as the informations aggregation method, where the research worker acted as the facilitator, steering the group treatment on preset subjects ( Morgan 1998 ) . The advantages of utilizing a focal point group are that the group interaction may excite the look of attitudes ; it provides information on the kineticss of attitudes and sentiments and can supply a supportive forum for the look of positions by participants, who may experience empowered by the group puting ( Sim and Wright 2000 ) . It can besides let the research worker to examine farther into the treatment and pick up non-verbal cues such as facial looks. Prior to the focal point group, the subject of the survey was sent to the participants via electronic mail, so that they could believe around the subject in progress. Participants were given a participant information sheet, a consent signifier and a signifier to roll up their demographic inside informations before the focal point group com menced. An account of the procedure that was about to happen was delivered by the research worker ( appendix 3 ) . A transcript of the three inquiries which were covered within the focal point group ( appendix 4 ) , was distributed to each person at the beginning, to let the participants to jot down their initial positions on the subjects before the treatment took topographic point, this enabled quieter members of the group to garner their ideas and construct assurance and ensured a changeless flow of treatment throughout the focal point group. The inquiries were unfastened to avoid closed, yes or no replies and avoided any ambiguity, prima inquiries or portraiture of the research worker s ideas or experiences. The focal point group lasted one hr and was conducted in a quiet seminar room in the wellness and life scientific disciplines section, at Coventry University. This familiar environment enabled the pupils to experience relaxed and at easiness when taking portion in the treatment. The group session was audio-taped via two tape recording equipments and transcribed. The research squad consisted of two physical therapy pupils, one acted as the facilitator and one acted as the independent moderator. The facilitator invariably summarised what the participants had said after the treatment leting them to set or corroborate their response or significance. This acted as a signifier of member checking, where the information obtained is accurate and undertakings its true significance. Throughout, the facilitator and the independent moderator undertook field notes where key footings, subjects and feelings were documented, which aided the written text of informations. The research squad were both pupils from within the same societal group of the survey participants ; this acquaintance ensured that the focal point group participants could speak openly and freely without limitations, leting an insightful and meaningful treatment to take topographic point between the pupils. A brooding journal was undertaken by the research worker throughout the focal point group and analysis procedure in order to capture any preconceived thoughts and premises upon the subject of treatment, this witting scrutiny and elucidation of ideas is known as bracketing . This enabled the research worker to be open-minded and adaptable when bring forthing classs and subjects emerging from the transcript ( Todres 2005 ) . Ethical Considerations This survey was deemed to be low hazard, so hence a low hazard ethical blessing signifier was completed by the research worker and supervisor. A certification signed by the pupil research worker, the supervisor and countersigned by an ethics commission member, signified that blessing for the survey had been obtained ( appendix 4 ) . A participant information sheet ( appendix 5 ) was given to each participant and written consent ( appendix 5 ) was gained from each participant before the focal point group took topographic point. Participants were cognizant that they had the right to retreat at any point within the survey and that they would non be capable to any physical or psychological injury by taking portion. Confidentiality was ensured as the information was merely available to the research worker and the supervisor. Anonymity was continued throughout the survey by the participant s names being coded in the transcripts. Pilot Test A pilot trial was conducted before the definite focal point group, on one Coventry physical therapy pupil suiting the inclusion standards, to enable any possible jobs to be determined early on. This allowed the research worker to reflect upon the strengths and failings and better any defects within the public presentation when transporting out the existent focal point group ; it besides improved the reflexiveness of the survey and hence trustiness. Datas Analysis The qualitative information was audio-taped, canned via manus and so typed up utilizing word processing package. This allowed the research worker to travel text effortlessly from one subdivision to another ( Miles 1994 ) ; the information was so analysed utilizing content analysis. The analysis continuum, which proposes three stairss depending on what degree of reading of the information is needed, helped the research worker to make this. The transcript based analysis is the most strict type of analysis, so hence this was applied. The first measure is the accretion and presentation of informations the transcript. The 2nd measure is the description of informations, which is the sum-up of remarks incorporating quotation marks and subjects based on observation, field notes and natural informations ( consequences ) . The 3rd measure is the reading what the findings mean and supply apprehension, ( treatment ) . ( Kruger 1994 ) . The method bracketing was used, where any anterior outlook s and beliefs held by the research worker on the undertaking subject were written down before the focal point group was carried out so that the information was non misinterpreted , ( Kruger 1998 ) . Consequences The information from the focal point group identified a figure of classs, which so developed into six wide subjects. The consequences of the focal point group are qualitative in nature, so hence the result will be presented as a sum-up of the treatment associating to each subject. The sum-up will sketch the cardinal points emerging from the informations and citations from the participants to exemplify the profusion of the informations produced. The theme headers reflect the countries of treatment which took topographic point within the focal point group and are presented in a logical mode. The subjects were wide as to embrace a broad assortment of classs ; this meant at times that the classs could travel into more than one subject, therefore the six subjects overlap ; this can be illustrated within figure 2. Student Emotions: Oh my beloved life The pupils expressed a assortment of emotions, both positive and negative in respects to their experiences whilst on arrangement with MH patients. The positive feelings included: Challenging ; like ; exciting ; interesting ; fascinating and comfy. One participant described a feeling of satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment when assisting patients with a MH job, when you achieve something with them it feels good and others agreed that their memories environing these patients were positive, Some of them do your twenty-four hours. Participants articulated that these patients were frequently ambitious, some believed this was gratifying, I prefer challenges with patients, instead than the consecutive forward 1s , nevertheless, others felt that certain state of affairss with the MH patients were excessively ambitious and hard to get by with. One participant described a complex experience which they had with an anorectic patient and the troubles they had in their determination doing sing intervention: I had a patient who was 23 and had anorexia she had been on ITU. We wanted to acquire her on a motorcycle to acquire her legs traveling, because she had contracted musculuss within her legs The thing was do you acquire her on a motorcycle, as she had anorexia and may free weight and she was nt eating so it was like what do you make? It was rather hard as she was immature and down. The feelings of involvement, exhilaration and curiousness were shared among the group and were expressed when speaking about patients with MH upsets and their unpredictable nature. They agreed that they welcomed the thought of alteration and non-familiarity, as a challenge which they enjoyed: It was rather exciting inquiring what they ll be like. It s rather challenging, as you may hold two patients with dementedness or bipolar but they will neer show in the same manner, so its quite interesting to see the differences in them. It s interesting as you do nt cognize what you re traveling to acquire or who you re traveling to acquire. The negative emotions reported were: terrified ; scared ; intimidated ; nervous and incapacitated. There was besides a general consensus attained from the pupils that they did non experience prepared to cover with MH issues whilst on arrangement and some did non believe that they would hold any input with patients with MH jobs: I might hold been a spot nescient but I did nt believe we would hold much input with patients with mental wellness issues . Many within the group believed this feeling of being unprepared was due to the deficiency of learning which they received on MH. One pupil stated that by non experiencing prepared and holding experience in MH that they felt frightened and nervous: I had a cat come up to me in a wheelchair with his weaponries and legs flailing and he sort of went BLAHHH . I stood there and went oh my beloved life . I ve neer had an experience with people non being able to pass on and I was nervous about dissing them through my deficiency of ability to understand them I learnt subsequently on that fundamentally he was merely seeking to state welcome and being by and large lovely, but it is chilling . This indicates that although there was an initial frightened reaction, this was due the pupil s rawness in how to manage certain state of affairss: I think if you do nt hold preparation, so it is rather daunting as you do nt cognize how to get by with these patients . One participant recalled on an incident, where they witnessed a patient who was being badly riotous on the ward towards patients and staff which made the pupil feel terrified: I steered clear of her, as I was intimidated by her she was a frenzied depressive who was verbally and physically aggressive she pinched everyone s material and shouted out the Windowss I was rather lucky I did nt hold to see her . The concluding emotion to be explored is helplessness . This was conveyed by one participant who was covering with a really vulnerable and complex patient: I had a patient who was 15 and was abused in an belowground tract she was really down and one twenty-four hours she could nt experience her legs and could nt walk she was hallucinating she would state that her organic structure was firing and she would drop down to the floor as if seeking to set out the fire she got referred because of the failing in her legs, but at that place was nt anything physically incorrect with her legs she had this horrid experience happen to her and you merely wanted to take it all off and do it better for her . This sense of weakness emerged through the intimidating nature of the instance and the frustrating facet of non being able to handle the patient, as there was nt anything physically incorrect. Patient Features: Not Normal The pupils described the behavior of the patients with MH jobs as: aggressive ; unpredictable ; non-responsive ; paranoiac and delusional ; demanding and complex. The pupils expressed earlier in their emotions about the patients unpredictable behavior, One minute they would be all right and so they would wholly alter, and how they accepted this and enjoyed the challenge it brought. A few of the participants spoke about incidences where their patient had been aggressive. One pupil described a patient which they were handling: One patient was truly aggressive, who was ever throwing his custodies up at you and being verbally opprobrious. Another recalled on an incident where she saw a patient being verbally and physically aggressive to the nursing staff: She was a frenzied depressive a large Jamaican adult females, who put up with no dirt whatsoever. She was verbally and physically aggressive. Another characteristic which many of the pupils picked up on was this paranoiac and delusional behavior, where the patient was leery of others and would non set their trust within the wellness attention squad: She would be shouting, stating the nurses want to kill me, everyone s out to acquire me. She started describing all the maltreatment she was inexorable that all the nurses were seeking to kill her. Although, one pupil articulated that they believed these patients were less guarded with physical therapists, I found from personal experience that patients with mental wellness jobs respond better to physios than nurses. Schemes adopted by pupils when covering with patients with MH jobs: I found myself making some truly eldritch things Students established that whilst on arrangement, that they should follow a figure of techniques in order to pull off their patients with MH upsets efficaciously. Many of these are interchangeable and could be used non merely with MH patients but with any patient, for illustration: short term ends ; readying ; adaptability / Changing attack / communicating ; doing them relaxed ; motive ; constructing up a resonance ; handle the jobs the patient nowadayss with non the status and give patient authorization and independency. These are all great accomplishments and properties to hold as a pupil and will hopefully guarantee success as a qualified physical therapist. Two schemes which were viewed as non normal and professional behavior, have been adopted by the pupils whilst on arrangement and used with patients with MH issues, these were: Laughing, vocalizing, dance, and turning away. The pupils expressed a figure of behaviors, which they believed should be used in order to derive the assurance and trust of these patients and acquire the best response from them: She had terrible dementedness she would sing to me and I would sing to her, we were both singing on the ward at one point, that was how you would seek and acquire her out of bed. I found myself making some truly eldritch things with dementedness patients singing to them, dancing Puting ill bowls on caputs. In a everyday and standard instance, these schemes would be looked upon as unnatural and unprofessional behavior ; nonetheless the pupils felt these actions were necessary when pull offing these patients to have the coveted response. Participants showed a strong and resilient attitude towards some rather awful state of affairss. One participant described how they coped when they were put within an daunting place: This patient would be truly nice one twenty-four hours and so would desire to rend your pharynx out the following, as he told me on a twosome of occasions [ laughs ] I merely said just plenty and so went back and saw him once more in the afternoon. I think each mental wellness patient is a challenge but this is our occupation, we give a service per individual no affair what irrespective of any upset they ve got. This pupil dealt with the fortunes maturely and responsibly, understanding that this is our profession and we need to supply a service to our patients, they took the baleful patient within their pace and carried on as usual. However, one pupil did non see it like this and avoided a patient, which the pupil perceived as unsafe: I really steered clear of this patient Barriers to intervention: The pupils expressed legion factors which they believed were a barrier to the intervention of the patients with a MH issue within their attention, they were: the patients personality ; consent ; patient consciousness of status ; relatives ; clip restraints ; deficiency of rehab potency. The bulk of these factors can be applicable to any patient within your attention, for case consent demands to be obtained before any intervention is carried out, nevertheless one participant described their trouble sing the consent of their MH patient: It s still rather hard though when you go in and explicate your intervention to a dementedness patient and they refuse you do nt cognize if they are declining because they do understand and do nt desire the intervention or they do nt understand and still state no It s rather hard to judge when they say no do they intend no or is that the dementedness speech production. Students believed that a patient s personality had an affect on how the physical therapist treated them. If the patient was sort and accessible, so the pupil would be more inclined to assist the patient than if the patient was violative and difficult to work with: Some people who are affected become aggressive and other become truly lovely and nice and that truly makes a difference in how people are treated. One patient who was truly aggressive who was ever throwing his custodies up at you and being verbally opprobrious, we tried to acquire him up 3 or 4 times, finally we did nt inquire him any longer. Patient consciousness of status it s hard to cover with patients who are nt cognizant of their status, As they think that their behavior is wholly normal One patient knew they had dementedness and had amusing minutes and she was merely like it merely me being off with the faeries, whereas others did nt hold a hint and were somewhat more hard to cover with Student Beliefs / Attitudes before arrangement on MH platinums: bird flew out of the fathead nest It was apparent that ab initio the pupils stereotyped patients with a mental unwellness as aggressive, I ever related mental wellness to aggressive behavior and brainsick, frequently pictured as an older individual or person with larning disablements. The pupils besides made evident that they did non understand the function of a physical therapist in the attention of a MH patient and did non believe we would hold much input in their intervention. The belief held by the pupils before clinical arrangement, that patients with a MH are aggressive and brainsick seemed to be the consensus across the group. One participant described what they believed MH was before holding experience with them on arrangement, connoting that MH patients bare the traits of a schizophrenic individual and that these patients are brainsick or loopy: Did anyone gain how widespread dementedness and depression is? I did nt gain I thought MH was more schizophrenia bird flew out of the fathead nest. When reflecting back on the pupil s earlier attitudes and beliefs before arrangement, one pupil described how they made premises about MH: You normally assume that people with MH jobs are either old or are possibly people with learning disablements she was absolutely normal, could keep a superb conversation, knew precisely what you were stating and was wholly sane, until she had these uneven minutes. This shows that in these two incidences by the pupils disbursement clip with patients with MH upsets, that their perceptual experiences changed and they came to gain that MH encompasses a broad assortment of conditions, some of which are common but are frequently non associated with MH and that MH jobs can impact anyone of any age. Student Beliefs / Attitudes after arrangement on MH platinums: Do nt undervalue the head It was clearly apparent that by the pupils traveling on arrangement and deriving experience in a assortment of countries that they gained many accomplishments, assisting them to develop professionally and personally. The pupils learnt from set abouting 30 hebdomads clinical arrangement that: MH jobs are common and that there is a assortment of MH conditions ; they would hold liked to hold been educated more on MH to fix them ; some people do nt esteem MH patients ; sometimes MH patients are seen as low position and people give up on them ; MH patients are vulnerable ; MH is every bit of import as physical wellness and a MH job does nt intend that the patient is aggressive they are nt wholly aggressive. The participants besides believed that a deficiency of experience in MH can do people misjudge MH patients, form negative sentiments and do them experience scared of the unknown: I think that people who do nt hold any experience with them can merely believe they are being crabbed sometimes or holding a amusing minute. If you had no experience within MH you would experience intimidated and would nt cognize how to get by. The pupils articulated how their deficiency of experience and cognition on MH was non encouraged through their instruction, this could hold been the ground why the pupils felt unprepared and held this stigma on what they supposed MH was: I do nt believe it was good taught at Uni. They merely focused on one or two facets one or two conditions, than the existent scope that comes under MH. It appeared that the pupil physiotherapists understood before arrangement that they needed to intervention the patients holistically, I ever knew I had to handle the patient as a whole, nevertheless, they did non understand the full extent of this and treated the head and the organic structure as separate entities. From clinical arrangement the participants learnt that you need to look at the head and organic structure as one, one pupil stated that their experiences with MH patients made them understand the importance of MH: Traveling on arrangement truly brought place that MH is every bit of import as physical wellness, people tend to undervalue the head. One pupil recalled on an incident, where they witnessed a patient whose MH position influenced their physical wellness, doing them gain that the head and organic structure are one: One twenty-four hours she decided she could nt experience her legs and could nt walk, all of a sudden she lost all power in her legs it was sort of a head over matter thing The pupils besides came to the realization that their stereotype that all patients with MH jobs are aggressive was non accurate: I ve noticed that if they ve got a MH job it does nt intend they are aggressive. I think you have to retrieve it s a little portion of a bigger image. Discussion 4-5 page Restrictions 1 page Decision Although the pupils had positive and negative experiences of mental wellness patients and that some of the initial beliefs and preconceived thoughts held on their types of behavior, had been realised and proven true, for illustration their belief that mental wellness patients are aggressive and so sing state of affairs whilst on arrangement where this has been the instance. The bulk of the pupils had a positive experience with mental wellness patients where they have learnt that all patients are different, they need to be treated every bit and as an person, you should handle the jobs they present with non their rubric or label and mental wellness is really much so every bit of import as physical wellness. Clinical undergraduate arrangement and face-to-face contact is important in leting pupils to organize their ain sentiments and beliefs on mental wellness and this should be supported and nurtured by instruction which is factual and non stereotyped, in order to bring forth pupils who are unpredjudiced and supply quality attention to their patients.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Allied strategy in WWII for campaign on mainland Italy Essay

Allied strategy in WWII for campaign on mainland Italy - Essay Example We are raising a generation of young people who are historically illiterate to a large degree. Everything we have--our institutions, our material advantages, our laws, our freedom, not to say our and...architecture--all comes to us from people who went before us. And to not know anything about them, to be indifferent to them, which is even worse than being ingratitude1. The allied invasion of mainland Italy began in September 1943. General Harold Alexander's 15th Army Group was responsible for starting this invasion. The first step was invasion of Sicily. This was completed successfully during the campaign. How did it all start After the defeat in North Africa, the differences between the axis powers began to grow. The next strategic step of the allied forces was now not clear. Winston Churchill said the next step should be to invade Italy. He wanted to remove the influence of Regia Marina on Italy. The invasion of Italy would open the routes for the allied forces to enter the Mediterranean. The entrance in the Mediterranean was important as later on it could give way to the allied forces to enter Middle East and Far East. Another important reason for this was the increase in supply from America and Britain. This invasion would also help stop Germans who were planning to execute operation Overload. Operation overload was about invading Normandy. General George Marshall was against this operation. He did not want to delay the operation overload in any circumstances. However, when no solution could be made and differences started to grow, it was planned that first Sicily should be invaded . Joint Allied Forces Headquarters AFHQ planned out all of this operation. They ordered the invasion of Sicily and the Italian mainland. Operation Husky, or in other words the invasion of Sicily began in July 1943. It was a very successful operation. Many of the allied forces escaped to the mainland Italy. Benito Mussolini was overthrown by a rebellion. He was the head of the Italian government. The actions were quick and swift. They thought that Italy would surrender if a quick invasion is done. However, they did not know that Italians and Germans together will be very strong. Even after Berlin was invaded, the Italians put up really good. The allied forces were now in a difficult position. They now had to provide food and other supplies to the troops in Italy. Germany was putting up resistance too. In fact it was because of the Germans that the Italians felt so strong. Even though Germans whole economy was at war too, they were putting up a lot of resistance. According to Milward "here was little that was new and less that was orderly in the New Order"3.Solely in economic terms, the new German Empire in Europe would have been a large-scale structure organized for, and run on the principles of, a colonialism of the crudest kind. Germany's economic policy toward occupied countries can in essence be summed up in two terms: exploitation and colonization. "Anti-Semitism as a political movement neither can nor should be based on fleeting emotions, but on the acceptance of

Thursday, February 6, 2020

The principal objective of strengthening the community partnership Coursework

The principal objective of strengthening the community partnership - Coursework Example Based on this research strategic planning is all about making the right strategy to be induced in the planning process to make it more effective. It is extremely important to know the basic environment of Atlantic Cape Community College, its faculties, the teaching process, the facilities and the goals and objectives of the institution which is to be known as the best college in the city and be a centre of learning and career growth. The final report will be extensively discussing the need of the strengthening of community partnership and the strategy employed for achieving it. To attain this objective, there is a need for local strategy plan and international alliance with business communities and learning centers. The report will discuss with examples that how Atlantic Cape Community College will plan strategically to achieve the goal and objective. With the advent of internet marketing tools, the college can focus on its facilities being marketed well, the comfort and the pricing advantages businesses have in renting their facility, the kind of constant up-gradation they are doing to gain competitive advantage and giving the learning and business communities the best of infrastructural and lodging facilities. â€Å"In order to survive the difficulties ahead, colleges and universities must have more foresighted management. But at the same time, universities must maintain their decentralized form and capitalize on the entrepreneurship and idea-generating abilities of the faculty.† ... ralized form and capitalize on the entrepreneurship and idea-generating abilities of the faculty.† (Keller, 1983) Keller has emphasized of the fact that strong leadership and entrepreneurship are the requisite area for the colleges to strategically plan and execute the college business partnership relation to newer heights. This will give a huge morale boost to the college as it goes on its quest for attaining the academic, learning and business excellence center of the region. SWOT Analysis The Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats give a detailed analysis of the overall strategic position of the organization. Based on this analysis, analyst and members of the institute can logically and strategically plan the execution of its business plans. Atlantic Cape Community college wants to strengthen their community partnership ties with companies, colleges and learning centers where they can avail the infrastructural facilities for conferences, meetings, lectures and knowled ge sharing programs. SWOT Analysis has already been dealt with in the earlier sections. This report will be taking up specific examples which are going to illustrate the analysis. Strength: Atlantic Cape Community College students were surveyed as part of the student’s Facilities and Services Satisfaction Survey 2011 where 7456 students were surveyed in 2010-11 out of which there were 156 respondents. 76% were satisfied with the overall facility at their campus. (Atlantic Cape Report, 2011). The college already has a reputation as a source of learning with facilities of a 500 seat theatre, 30 seat board room, lodging and restaurant / catering facilities & availability of satellite campuses in Atlantic & Cape May County. With the provision of advanced technology with Information Communications

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Blood Circulatory System Essay Example for Free

The Blood Circulatory System Essay The Circulatory system is a system in the bodies of all organisms that moves the nutrients that are needed as well as gases and wastes to and from cells and helps fight unwanted bacteria and other diseases. It also helps alleviate the body temperature to maintain homeostasis, which is the property of either an open system or a closed system in a living organism. It brings the body’s cells what they need in order to survive – oxygen and nutrients. The center of the circulatory system, also known as the cardiovascular system, is the heart. The heart is one of the main components in this system. The heart pumps oxygenated blood and the tubes, also known as blood vessels, carries the oxygenated blood to every cell in the body and is then returned to the heart as deoxygenated blood. The main components of the human circulatory system are the heart, the blood, the blood vessels, and the platelets. The heart’s job is to pump blood and keep the blood moving throughout your entire body. There’s a thick layer of muscle called myocardium that contract and squeeze out blood. In the heart, there is the atrium – the part that receives the blood – and the ventricle, which pumps blood out of the heart. There are four chambers in total: left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, and right ventricle. The left-hand side of the heart pumps blood from the lungs to the rest of your body. This is known as the systemic circulation. The right-hand side pumps blood from the heart to the lungs and this is known as the pulmonary circulation. Blood is the fluid that constantly flows throughout our bodies. The blood carries nutrients, water, oxygen, and waste products to and from the body cells. There are two types of blood cells: the red blood cell which is responsible for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide and the white blood cell which helps the body fight off and attack germs, foreign substances, and unwanted bacteria. The heart pumps blood through the blood vessels. The blood vessels lead away from the heart and enter the tissues, then return to the heart. There are three types of blood vessels. The first are the arteries which are large vessels that carry blood from the heart to the tissues. Arteries then branch into smaller and smaller vessels, ultimately becoming capillaries. Capillaries (smallest of the blood vessels) bring nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and pick up carbon dioxide and other waste products. Capillaries then merge to form larger vessels, called venules, which merge to form even larger vessels called veins. The veins return blood to the heart. Because we only want blood to run in one direction, veins have valves, which ensure that the blood keeps moving in the direction we want it to, towards the heart. Platelets are cells that help stop the bleeding when an organism, usually humans, receives a cut or a wound anywhere on their body. Platelets stick to the opening of the damaged blood vessels. As they stick to the opening, more platelets, fibers and other blood cells will come and help heal the broken blood vessel. Some chemicals found in blood are hemoglobin and plasma. Hemoglobin is the chemical substance in the red cells that is involved in the transport of oxygen. Plasma is the liquid part of the blood, in which the blood cells are suspended. Approximately half of your blood is made of plasma. The plasma carries the blood cells and other components throughout the body. Diseases in the circulatory system include the cardiovascular disease which refers to the divisions of diseases that involve the heart or the blood vessels – arteries and veins and the congenital heart defect which is a defect in the structure of the heart and vessels of a newborn baby. Most heart defects either barricade the blood flow in the heart or vessels or cause to flow through the heart in an abnormal pattern. Other diseases or disorders are high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. Like most other disorders, it is easier to prevent than cure cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) disorders. It is of extreme importance that the circulatory system is kept healthy. In order to keep this system healthy, it is best to exercise daily and maintain a healthy diet that does not consist of too much cholesterol and fatty foods such as junk food and fast food.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Archetypes In Siddhartha Essay -- essays research papers fc

In analyzing the novel Siddhartha, we find that Herman Hesse has incorporated many literary techniques to relay his message to the reader. By using various writing approaches to convey the theme of the novel, Hesse appeals to the readers' senses and aides them in grasping the novel. Included in these techniques are symbolism, metaphor, allusion, and archetypes. He compares many issues that Siddhartha faces to everyday objects and forces, making the novel easier to understand. Three of the main archetypes Hesse uses to get his point across are trees, rivers, and sleep. One of the more obvious symbols used in the novel is a tree. Cross-culturally, it is extremely common for trees to represent wisdom. In Hebrew literature, when Adam and Eve eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, they are "awakened" and gain the insight of good and evil. In Norse mythology, the tree of Yggdrasil represents knowledge and life. In American literature, John Knowles' "A Separate Peace" uses a giant oak tree to symbolize Finny and Gene becoming men. Finally, in Siddhartha we see that trees (and more broadly, gardens) are present when Siddhartha discovers something about himself. On just the third page of the novel with Siddhartha contemplating in a fig garden, it becomes obvious that trees are being used as a representative of learning. This concept is repeated many times throughout the novel, some instances of usage mo...

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Learning Media Assessments

Assessment is a tool used in education and it is an important component of learning. The primary purpose of assessment is to improve student's learning, I administered four types of assessments to Camila, a 2 and a half years old Hispanic girl. The assessments administered to Camila were: Denver II, checklist, anecdotal, and interest survey. Denver II: Physical The Denver II assessment was designed to monitor the development of infants and preschool-aged children; it includes the screening of the four domains, Personal-social: which is getting along with people and caring for personal needs, Fine Motor-Adaptive: this includes eye hand coordination, manipulation of small objects, and problem solving, Language: it includes hearing, understanding, and using language, and Gross motor: it includes sitting, walking, jumping, and overall large muscle movement in general. The scoring is as follow: P= pass- child successfully performs item, F= Fail- child does not successfully perform item. NO= No opportunity- the child has not had the chance to perform the item, or report from caregiver is that child does not do the item due to restrictions from caregiver or other reasons, and R= Refusal- the child refuses to attempt the item, this can be minimized just by asking the child to do the item rather than asking. Purpose: The purpose of the Denver II assessment is to screen children from 1 to 6 years of age for possible developmental problems or issues, to confirm suspected problems with an objective measure, and to monitor children at risk for developmental problems. The assessment was administered with the mother participation; with the gross motor part done outside. I tried to make both of them comfortable; to do the fine motor screening, Camila sat at the floor and her mother sat beside her. I explained to the mother that the child was not expected to pass all the items, but we were going to allow the child to manipulate the items to be used to feel comfortable by the time the activity was done. A set of blocks were given to Camila and she was told to make a tower with eight blocks. Camila carefully piled ten blocks making sure all the blocks were straight. She made three other towers with the other blocks. Camila imitated a vertical line.Camila, her mother and I went outside to do the gross motor part, Camila's mother showed Camila how to jump a broad jump and throw the ball over her head, she then encouraged Camila to imitate her; three trials were given to do the broad jump, the first two times scoring a F and the third a P. Camila's mother and I praised Camila for her efforts in doing the tasks.To minimized bias, I performed the assessment in Spanish; I explained the tasks we were going to work to Camila's mother before doing them. I gave her a copy of the assessment for her to read the items at the same time I was asking them. I asked the mother first about each item then we asked Camila to do each task to confirm her development.Checklist: Social and EmotionalA checklist is a tool for identifying the presence or absence of conceptual knowledge, skills, or behaviors. Checklists are tools that state specific criteria and allow teachers and students to gather information that can provide an informal profile of each child. Checklists also help teachers to make judgements about what students know and can do in relation to the outcomes. Checklists allow teachers to consistently monitor and document progress and focus extra attention on the items that mark deficiencies in development growth. The checklist may assess domains such as fine and gross motor, expressive and receptive language, intellectual, social-emotional, and self-help skills. These checklists provide information about what a child can and cannot do in each developmental area. Teachers can use this information to help set goals for a child and plan activities that help the child progress. An example of a developmental checklist, Observation Checklist for Teachers, is at the end of this chapter. Other checklists provide teachers with a record of what learning centers the children choose, or which materials they use most often. They are helpful in assuring, for example, that children who spend most of their free time in the art area are encouraged to explore other activity centers. The teacher can help the child make this transition by setting up a favorite art activity in another part of the room, such as painting clouds and the sky for a castle that will be built with blocks and small boxes Purpose: The purpose of checklists is to identify and record student's, skills, strategies, attitudes, and behaviors that are necessary for effective learning. Checklists can also be used to communicate a student's learning to his/her parents.The assessment was administered during several days of observation during play and circle time. I observed Camila's choices and decisions when she was playing in the pretend area. Camila played along other children and imitated what another girl did when playing with a small doll. During circle time she waited for her turn to hold the ball when playing a game. Bias was minimized when I wrote only the facts and focus on Camila's strengths Observation: Anecdotal record: CognitiveAn anecdote is an account of an event in a child's day; the record of this event can be detailed or brief. In other words is a short story detailing the facts of an event in the child's day. These short reports described in a factual way, the incident, its context, and what was said or done by the participant. On most cases anecdotes focus on very simple, everyday interactions among children, adults and children, as well as materials and children in the environment. Purpose: Anecdotes capture the richness and complexity of the moment as children interact with one another and with materials. These records of child behavior and learning accumulated over the time enhance the teacher's understanding of the individual child as patterns or profiles begin to emerge. Behavior change can be tracked and documented and placed in the child's portfolio resulting in suggestions for future observations, curriculum planning and student or parent conferences. The anecdotes or observations were done during center time; my observations were done of what Camila did and what she said while she was playing with the blocks and the farm animals. Camila built a tower of eight blocks and called the teacher to see it, she then made other small towers and put the animals on the top of each tower; she clapped her hands when she saw the results. Camila also used other blocks to make a little cage for the baby animals.Bias was minimized when I wrote only the facts and quotes she used when playing. I also focused only on Camila's strengths.Interest survey:Interest surveys provide valuable information from students that teachers can use to establish and maintain positive relationships; provide information of the students' individual needs and preferences. Purpose: The purpose of the interest surveys is to help teachers in choosing the appropriate materials and instructional decisions based on the expressed interests for each student. Students are more likely to be engaged if the instruction connects to their interest. I started the survey with Camila by showing several books; Camila looked at the books and grabbed the book of Brown Bear. I let Camila look at the book for a while and then showed her the survey and explained to her what she needed to do. I covered the survey and uncover just the question I was asking at the time. I also provided the stickers to use one at a time for her to choose the answer she wanted. Bias was minimized when the survey was done in Spanish and Camila was let to put on a sticker on each answer she chose. Camila took her time to put the sticker on the desired picture and I let her take her time looking at the survey's question and pictures.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Case Of Fatim Health Psychology Analysis - 1104 Words

The Case of Fatima Health Psychology Analysis University of the People The Case of Fatima – Health Psychology Analysis To analyze the case of Fatima it is best to break it down to stages. Fatima started as a healthy individual, she was able to conceive twice, carry 2 children to term, and deliver successfully. To support her family she works 50 hours a week which is more than a regular work week (40 hours). Because of her work schedule she does not have time for herself. She has a fairly healthy lifestyle since she does not smoke, but her choices of food for her family and herself are not healthy, and the reason is attributed to a small budget. Fatima started showing signs of illness; she was tired, and had chest pain from a time†¦show more content†¦Along the line of the continuum she wasn’t able to change those factors and those brought the onset of illness. In the biopsychosocial model (Ogden, 2017) it can farther show the health-psychology of this case as it brings a combination of social/environmental elements (work many hours, can’t afford healthy food), psychological elements (not going to the doctor to take care of herself, not able to relax), and biological elements (genetically pre disposed to having high pressure, missing some vitamins, and overworked body physically). This case as an example of the complexity of health-psychology where one thing leads to antoherr (Borrell-Carrià ³, F., Suchman, A. L., Epstein, R. M. ,2004). In this case the limited funds leads to purchase of unhealthy food, leading to fatigue and unhealthy state of body, which may lead to hypertension. Another element that can be observed in the case of Fatima is a combination of something that directly leads to unhealthy situation (eating unhealthy, and missing crucial vitamins to support healthy functioning body), and indirect elements (like working many hours, and feeling guilty about the food being served to her family). The combination of direct and indirect pathways are leading to outcomes that the health psychology field is addressing (Ogden, 2017). Although not part of the details in this case it is important to mention another element of health psychology: variability (Ogden, 2017). Many people work 50