Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The Blood Circulatory System Essay Example for Free

The Blood Circulatory System Essay The Circulatory system is a system in the bodies of all organisms that moves the nutrients that are needed as well as gases and wastes to and from cells and helps fight unwanted bacteria and other diseases. It also helps alleviate the body temperature to maintain homeostasis, which is the property of either an open system or a closed system in a living organism. It brings the body’s cells what they need in order to survive – oxygen and nutrients. The center of the circulatory system, also known as the cardiovascular system, is the heart. The heart is one of the main components in this system. The heart pumps oxygenated blood and the tubes, also known as blood vessels, carries the oxygenated blood to every cell in the body and is then returned to the heart as deoxygenated blood. The main components of the human circulatory system are the heart, the blood, the blood vessels, and the platelets. The heart’s job is to pump blood and keep the blood moving throughout your entire body. There’s a thick layer of muscle called myocardium that contract and squeeze out blood. In the heart, there is the atrium – the part that receives the blood – and the ventricle, which pumps blood out of the heart. There are four chambers in total: left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, and right ventricle. The left-hand side of the heart pumps blood from the lungs to the rest of your body. This is known as the systemic circulation. The right-hand side pumps blood from the heart to the lungs and this is known as the pulmonary circulation. Blood is the fluid that constantly flows throughout our bodies. The blood carries nutrients, water, oxygen, and waste products to and from the body cells. There are two types of blood cells: the red blood cell which is responsible for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide and the white blood cell which helps the body fight off and attack germs, foreign substances, and unwanted bacteria. The heart pumps blood through the blood vessels. The blood vessels lead away from the heart and enter the tissues, then return to the heart. There are three types of blood vessels. The first are the arteries which are large vessels that carry blood from the heart to the tissues. Arteries then branch into smaller and smaller vessels, ultimately becoming capillaries. Capillaries (smallest of the blood vessels) bring nutrients and oxygen to the tissues and pick up carbon dioxide and other waste products. Capillaries then merge to form larger vessels, called venules, which merge to form even larger vessels called veins. The veins return blood to the heart. Because we only want blood to run in one direction, veins have valves, which ensure that the blood keeps moving in the direction we want it to, towards the heart. Platelets are cells that help stop the bleeding when an organism, usually humans, receives a cut or a wound anywhere on their body. Platelets stick to the opening of the damaged blood vessels. As they stick to the opening, more platelets, fibers and other blood cells will come and help heal the broken blood vessel. Some chemicals found in blood are hemoglobin and plasma. Hemoglobin is the chemical substance in the red cells that is involved in the transport of oxygen. Plasma is the liquid part of the blood, in which the blood cells are suspended. Approximately half of your blood is made of plasma. The plasma carries the blood cells and other components throughout the body. Diseases in the circulatory system include the cardiovascular disease which refers to the divisions of diseases that involve the heart or the blood vessels – arteries and veins and the congenital heart defect which is a defect in the structure of the heart and vessels of a newborn baby. Most heart defects either barricade the blood flow in the heart or vessels or cause to flow through the heart in an abnormal pattern. Other diseases or disorders are high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke. Like most other disorders, it is easier to prevent than cure cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) disorders. It is of extreme importance that the circulatory system is kept healthy. In order to keep this system healthy, it is best to exercise daily and maintain a healthy diet that does not consist of too much cholesterol and fatty foods such as junk food and fast food.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Archetypes In Siddhartha Essay -- essays research papers fc

In analyzing the novel Siddhartha, we find that Herman Hesse has incorporated many literary techniques to relay his message to the reader. By using various writing approaches to convey the theme of the novel, Hesse appeals to the readers' senses and aides them in grasping the novel. Included in these techniques are symbolism, metaphor, allusion, and archetypes. He compares many issues that Siddhartha faces to everyday objects and forces, making the novel easier to understand. Three of the main archetypes Hesse uses to get his point across are trees, rivers, and sleep. One of the more obvious symbols used in the novel is a tree. Cross-culturally, it is extremely common for trees to represent wisdom. In Hebrew literature, when Adam and Eve eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, they are "awakened" and gain the insight of good and evil. In Norse mythology, the tree of Yggdrasil represents knowledge and life. In American literature, John Knowles' "A Separate Peace" uses a giant oak tree to symbolize Finny and Gene becoming men. Finally, in Siddhartha we see that trees (and more broadly, gardens) are present when Siddhartha discovers something about himself. On just the third page of the novel with Siddhartha contemplating in a fig garden, it becomes obvious that trees are being used as a representative of learning. This concept is repeated many times throughout the novel, some instances of usage mo...

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Learning Media Assessments

Assessment is a tool used in education and it is an important component of learning. The primary purpose of assessment is to improve student's learning, I administered four types of assessments to Camila, a 2 and a half years old Hispanic girl. The assessments administered to Camila were: Denver II, checklist, anecdotal, and interest survey. Denver II: Physical The Denver II assessment was designed to monitor the development of infants and preschool-aged children; it includes the screening of the four domains, Personal-social: which is getting along with people and caring for personal needs, Fine Motor-Adaptive: this includes eye hand coordination, manipulation of small objects, and problem solving, Language: it includes hearing, understanding, and using language, and Gross motor: it includes sitting, walking, jumping, and overall large muscle movement in general. The scoring is as follow: P= pass- child successfully performs item, F= Fail- child does not successfully perform item. NO= No opportunity- the child has not had the chance to perform the item, or report from caregiver is that child does not do the item due to restrictions from caregiver or other reasons, and R= Refusal- the child refuses to attempt the item, this can be minimized just by asking the child to do the item rather than asking. Purpose: The purpose of the Denver II assessment is to screen children from 1 to 6 years of age for possible developmental problems or issues, to confirm suspected problems with an objective measure, and to monitor children at risk for developmental problems. The assessment was administered with the mother participation; with the gross motor part done outside. I tried to make both of them comfortable; to do the fine motor screening, Camila sat at the floor and her mother sat beside her. I explained to the mother that the child was not expected to pass all the items, but we were going to allow the child to manipulate the items to be used to feel comfortable by the time the activity was done. A set of blocks were given to Camila and she was told to make a tower with eight blocks. Camila carefully piled ten blocks making sure all the blocks were straight. She made three other towers with the other blocks. Camila imitated a vertical line.Camila, her mother and I went outside to do the gross motor part, Camila's mother showed Camila how to jump a broad jump and throw the ball over her head, she then encouraged Camila to imitate her; three trials were given to do the broad jump, the first two times scoring a F and the third a P. Camila's mother and I praised Camila for her efforts in doing the tasks.To minimized bias, I performed the assessment in Spanish; I explained the tasks we were going to work to Camila's mother before doing them. I gave her a copy of the assessment for her to read the items at the same time I was asking them. I asked the mother first about each item then we asked Camila to do each task to confirm her development.Checklist: Social and EmotionalA checklist is a tool for identifying the presence or absence of conceptual knowledge, skills, or behaviors. Checklists are tools that state specific criteria and allow teachers and students to gather information that can provide an informal profile of each child. Checklists also help teachers to make judgements about what students know and can do in relation to the outcomes. Checklists allow teachers to consistently monitor and document progress and focus extra attention on the items that mark deficiencies in development growth. The checklist may assess domains such as fine and gross motor, expressive and receptive language, intellectual, social-emotional, and self-help skills. These checklists provide information about what a child can and cannot do in each developmental area. Teachers can use this information to help set goals for a child and plan activities that help the child progress. An example of a developmental checklist, Observation Checklist for Teachers, is at the end of this chapter. Other checklists provide teachers with a record of what learning centers the children choose, or which materials they use most often. They are helpful in assuring, for example, that children who spend most of their free time in the art area are encouraged to explore other activity centers. The teacher can help the child make this transition by setting up a favorite art activity in another part of the room, such as painting clouds and the sky for a castle that will be built with blocks and small boxes Purpose: The purpose of checklists is to identify and record student's, skills, strategies, attitudes, and behaviors that are necessary for effective learning. Checklists can also be used to communicate a student's learning to his/her parents.The assessment was administered during several days of observation during play and circle time. I observed Camila's choices and decisions when she was playing in the pretend area. Camila played along other children and imitated what another girl did when playing with a small doll. During circle time she waited for her turn to hold the ball when playing a game. Bias was minimized when I wrote only the facts and focus on Camila's strengths Observation: Anecdotal record: CognitiveAn anecdote is an account of an event in a child's day; the record of this event can be detailed or brief. In other words is a short story detailing the facts of an event in the child's day. These short reports described in a factual way, the incident, its context, and what was said or done by the participant. On most cases anecdotes focus on very simple, everyday interactions among children, adults and children, as well as materials and children in the environment. Purpose: Anecdotes capture the richness and complexity of the moment as children interact with one another and with materials. These records of child behavior and learning accumulated over the time enhance the teacher's understanding of the individual child as patterns or profiles begin to emerge. Behavior change can be tracked and documented and placed in the child's portfolio resulting in suggestions for future observations, curriculum planning and student or parent conferences. The anecdotes or observations were done during center time; my observations were done of what Camila did and what she said while she was playing with the blocks and the farm animals. Camila built a tower of eight blocks and called the teacher to see it, she then made other small towers and put the animals on the top of each tower; she clapped her hands when she saw the results. Camila also used other blocks to make a little cage for the baby animals.Bias was minimized when I wrote only the facts and quotes she used when playing. I also focused only on Camila's strengths.Interest survey:Interest surveys provide valuable information from students that teachers can use to establish and maintain positive relationships; provide information of the students' individual needs and preferences. Purpose: The purpose of the interest surveys is to help teachers in choosing the appropriate materials and instructional decisions based on the expressed interests for each student. Students are more likely to be engaged if the instruction connects to their interest. I started the survey with Camila by showing several books; Camila looked at the books and grabbed the book of Brown Bear. I let Camila look at the book for a while and then showed her the survey and explained to her what she needed to do. I covered the survey and uncover just the question I was asking at the time. I also provided the stickers to use one at a time for her to choose the answer she wanted. Bias was minimized when the survey was done in Spanish and Camila was let to put on a sticker on each answer she chose. Camila took her time to put the sticker on the desired picture and I let her take her time looking at the survey's question and pictures.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Case Of Fatim Health Psychology Analysis - 1104 Words

The Case of Fatima Health Psychology Analysis University of the People The Case of Fatima – Health Psychology Analysis To analyze the case of Fatima it is best to break it down to stages. Fatima started as a healthy individual, she was able to conceive twice, carry 2 children to term, and deliver successfully. To support her family she works 50 hours a week which is more than a regular work week (40 hours). Because of her work schedule she does not have time for herself. She has a fairly healthy lifestyle since she does not smoke, but her choices of food for her family and herself are not healthy, and the reason is attributed to a small budget. Fatima started showing signs of illness; she was tired, and had chest pain from a time†¦show more content†¦Along the line of the continuum she wasn’t able to change those factors and those brought the onset of illness. In the biopsychosocial model (Ogden, 2017) it can farther show the health-psychology of this case as it brings a combination of social/environmental elements (work many hours, can’t afford healthy food), psychological elements (not going to the doctor to take care of herself, not able to relax), and biological elements (genetically pre disposed to having high pressure, missing some vitamins, and overworked body physically). This case as an example of the complexity of health-psychology where one thing leads to antoherr (Borrell-Carrià ³, F., Suchman, A. L., Epstein, R. M. ,2004). In this case the limited funds leads to purchase of unhealthy food, leading to fatigue and unhealthy state of body, which may lead to hypertension. Another element that can be observed in the case of Fatima is a combination of something that directly leads to unhealthy situation (eating unhealthy, and missing crucial vitamins to support healthy functioning body), and indirect elements (like working many hours, and feeling guilty about the food being served to her family). The combination of direct and indirect pathways are leading to outcomes that the health psychology field is addressing (Ogden, 2017). Although not part of the details in this case it is important to mention another element of health psychology: variability (Ogden, 2017). Many people work 50